How does donation work?
15% of the sale of any item will go to Oogachaga or The Loveland Foundation. For transparency, here is how proceeds from sales will work! Please remember to check that your email address is correct so that a proof of donation can be sent to you. Donations will be made while your order is being processed, so allow some time for the proof of donation to be sent to you.
If you purchased from Singapore (15% goes to Oogachaga):
Donations to Oogachaga will be made on my end via PayNow using their UEN (Unique Entity Number). After donation has been made, an email will be sent to you with a proof fund transfer, much like this example here.
If you purchased from anywhere outside Singapore (15% goes to The Loveland Foundation):
Donations to The Loveland Foundation will be made through their donation portal. As The Loveland Foundation sends donation receipts, I will simply forward them to you as proof of donation.
Please note: As The Loveland Foundation only accepts donations in USD, currency conversations will be made accordingly. (EDIT: Good news! I've discovered The Loveland Foundation accepts donations in cents as well, so i will make the exact amount after currency has been converted.)